Sustainable Common Security

Sustainable common security is an umbrella concept to help with the deeper understanding and cooperative action now urgently required to address shared global challenges, human and environmental needs. There are wider objectives, including to:

  1. revitalize idealism, a ‘one-world’ perspective and work for a better world;
  2. clarify the links between insecurity, the climate crisis, capitalism, militarism and inequality;
  3. build solidarity and cooperation toward a movement of movements;
  4. challenge constant preparation for more war as the central approach to national security;
  5. develop viable, sustainable policy options for peace and conflict, human rights and socio-economic justice, disarmament and development, military transformation and economic conversion, with a priority accorded to a global peace system and, arguably most important;
  6. encourage the substantive system shifts and transformations now needed.

As such, sustainable common security is also intended to be an organizing principle for a more just and secure world.

Time to move away from insular interests for security solutions

Security can no longer be acquired at the expense of others or through more weapons for more war. Insecurity is spreading. Another hot war in the Ukraine, a climate emergency, another Cold War and nuclear arms race, another long war just announced, 100 million people displaced by conflict and climate change, vast inequality and precarious conditions everywhere. Our new global neighbourhood looks rough and risky.  Read more

Sustainable Common Security: From Origins to Next Steps

(Project Save the World, July 2019)

Social movements and states shall prioritize Sustainable Common Security to address shared global challenges… Read more

Sustainable Common Security

(with modest elaboration on core principles, The Federalist Debate, July 2017)

Sustainable Common Security, HPL, The Federalist Debate, July 2017 Read more

Pulling Together for Sustainable Common Security

(Rideau Institute, 2018)  Pulling together for Sustainable Common Security HPL May 30 2018

Read more.